Our Mission

Pittsburgh Management Consulting is intended to develop the next generation of consultants and business leaders at the University of Pittsburgh by supplementing their skills learned inside of the classroom with tangible experience with corporate clients.

Premier Student-Led Consulting

PMC was founded in 2022 as a branch of the Undergraduate Consulting Club - Pitt's sole resource for students interested in management and strategy consulting. The Consulting Club provides resources for motivated students, and enables them to stand out in recruiting for top consulting roles. PMC looks to build on this knowledge, offering real-world consulting experience to our students.
Our Members

We gather bright and passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Our Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions

PMC projects are semester-long projects, finding a nice balance of agility and thoroughness. Through our engagements, our students are able to integrate themselves with their client, team, and project. However, the semester-long nature prevents stagnation in our projects, and adds a sense of urgency to our solutions.